A couple of weeks ago I made it down to the SLC Main Library for the annual Alt Press Fest. There were many fine artists and zine publishers and, although I was kind of rushed because I had some work waiting for me that I needed to do, I really enjoyed myself. I’ve been thinking about zines for a long long time, and I am planning on making something along those lines. As a matter of fact, I’ve started a few projects already and I’m pretty excited by them.
It was great to visit this festival, meet and catch up with people, and take a look at all of the fine work that is out there. Its always good to see the work of artists like Nic Annette Miller, Travis Gray, Evan Jed Memmott, Potter Press, Copper Palate Press, and many many others. I really enjoyed what I saw.
At the Alt Press Fest I picked up a book called “Whatcha Mean, What’s a Zine?” by Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson. Like I say, I’ve been thinking of zines and self publishing for quite a while now but, even though I work as a graphic designer and understand the technical side of printing very well, I still had questions. Questions about inexpensive materials and methods, distribution, and how to spread the word. I’ve found this book to be a very good resource and starting point, with some very good advice. If you have any interest in creating zines, maybe this book would be a good starting point for you too.
Some additional helpful links: