I’m able to listen to a lot of audio-books and podcasts while I work so, of course, I do. One of the podcasts I look forward to each week is Expanding Mind, and about a week or two ago they interviewed artist Suzanne Treister about her new tarot deck and book, Hexen 2.0
I’ve always liked looking at old alchemical charts and diagrams, and that is what Treister’s work reminded me of. Even though I don’t really use them, I’ve also been intrigued by the tarot. I like looking at the different decks and have thought for a very long time that the artwork illustrates very powerful symbols.
I decided to get the Hexen 2.0 book, and I’m glad I did. I enjoy the artwork very much, but what I think I like the most is that each card uses a historical person or event to illustrate the meaning of that specific card. Although with other decks I think I might have an almost intuitive understanding of each symbol (we all probably do), Treister’s deck helps make it a little more clear. I like that and appreciate all of the work that went into her deck.
If you’ve ever had any questions about the tarot, this book might be a good place to start.
ensemble.va.com.au | HEXEN_2_TAROT