For a number of years, Veronica De Jesus has been making memorial artwork of people who have recently died and hanging it in the windows of Dog Eared Books in San Francisco. Anna and I came across these drawings, as well as a bunch of Veronica’s other artwork, while wandering around the Mission District. Recently, these drawings were collected into a book, which Anna gave to me for Christmas. It’s beautiful!
Seeing the window at Dog Eared Books is very impressive. The amount of time and work that must have gone into it. But is in an incredible homage as well. You’ll find portraits of celebrities, and people you’ve probably never heard of. Veronica’s book will help you get to know all of these interesting people better.
With the book Hello Now From Everywhere, I saw the series was even more comprehensive than I’d realized. I didn’t know how far back these portraits went. You’ll find many from 2002 or so, I saw one portrait from the early ’90’s. There is even a portrait of Minnie Ripperton, who passed away in 1979.
I love this book and series of portraits. You can pick a copy up for yourself at
Anna wrote a very good post on Veronica earlier this year, but I thought this book deserved it’s own. You can find Anna’s post here: | de-jesus-wants-me-for-a-sun-beam